Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sulfasalazine Eyebrows

Where to store the files online? Why?

There is a method very simple: use the service exchange large files proposed by the Internet access provider Free . Nothing to download: just upload a file from your hard drive and then you get a download link for this file. Simple but limited: if the file is not downloaded for 30 days, it is automatically deleted. It suitable for occasional use.
Another method is to use the Dropbox WebApp. G found application outright bluffing simplicity and ergonomics. After installing you get a shortcut to the file 'My Dropbox' on the desktop. In this folder in 'My Documents', we have 2 subfolders 'Public' and 'Pictures' which is the default shared folders. He just have to drag files of his choice to these 2 files: Synchronization is done automatically with Dropbox its space on the Web.

Note: To access the online space, use the context menu: Droxbox - Browse Website is Dropbox.

What is the advantage of using Dropbox?
.. share documents over the Internet (with his friends on his blog) - a download link is provided.
.. have a space storage common to several of his computers (no need to lug around with a key or disc) - free storage space is limited to 2 GB
.. make a backup of your important documents in a private folder - very useful if pb with his PC or in case of theft (it happened a few months ago ;-( (

Finally, I strongly recommend you install Dropbox!


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