Thursday, September 23, 2010

Gangs Flamin Hot Cheetos

Arthur C. Clarke & Stephen Baxter: Light of the days shoot and fled

Authors: Arthur C. CLARKE & Stephen Baxter
Title: Light of the day fled
Presentation: "We acquired the eyes of God. A look capable of contemplating the past as immutable and bloody if c ' was today. But we are not God and the burning light of history could well destroy us. "
Year 2003. While a giant asteroid named Absinthe dark on Earth, the emperor of media Hiram Patterson announced the creation of a revolutionary method of communication. The "CaMV" allows you to view images instantly from anywhere in the world. But this invention contains unexpected possibilities, which will soon change the fate of mankind.
The old dream of ubiquity is about to happen. Sentenced to short term, the men be able to make good use? Most, awaiting the Apocalypse, seem to revel in voyeurism, revisionism and traditionalism morbid. But some, including the son of Hiram Patterson will try to escape the omniscient eye of the CaMV ...
Allegory on the future destiny of mankind, 'Light fled days is also a brilliant exploration of media power and drift of our corporate image.

My opinion: A very good book, easy to read, we asked about the risks of new technologies without moral. "Science without conscience is but ruin of the soul" seems well suited to describe a part of the book. In some ways, "Light days buried 'also reminds us what happens in the famous' 1984 ' with BigBrother. Written in 2000, we take pleasure in discovering that some techniques that were futuristic at the time, do exist today.

On the web:
2) http://www.noosfere. org / lodging / fbeurg / reading / clarke.html # Lumiere_des_jours_enfuis


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