Wednesday, May 19, 2010: 21 hours and Bookstore Bar Entropy
Science Café in two voices "Being born and dying among Neanderthals" hosted by Valentine Meyer and Celimene Mussini
For over 250,000 years, Neanderthals (sensu lato) occupied Europe and the Middle East. Thus, several hundred individuals who lived between 300,000 and 30,000 years BC have been unearthed from Spain to Uzbekistan. These human remains enable us to address various aspects of this population disappeared. Biological aspects, such as the influence of anatomy on their mode of delivery, but also behavioral, such as some of their mortuary practices. The study of mechanical treatment of obstetric and body is just one of many ways to approach this fascinating and mysterious aspect of human evolution.
For over 250,000 years, Neanderthals (sensu lato) occupied Europe and the Middle East. Thus, several hundred individuals who lived between 300,000 and 30,000 years BC have been unearthed from Spain to Uzbekistan. These human remains enable us to address various aspects of this population disappeared. Biological aspects, such as the influence of anatomy on their mode of delivery, but also behavioral, such as some of their mortuary practices. The study of mechanical treatment of obstetric and body is just one of many ways to approach this fascinating and mysterious aspect of human evolution.
3:30 p.m. at the Library of the nursery.
Awareness Workshop "The human adventure, Toumai to Cro-Magnon" hosted by Celine Mussini
Target: Youth and Families
Since the first hominids living in Africa up to us, modern humans, humanity has undergone a slow evolution and bushy. Slow, since it began there several million years and still continues; bushy because many species have emerged, some have become extinct while others have continued to evolve.
These few million years that separate us from our hominid ancestors are, however, again and again, interspersed with mysteries.
21 hours and Bookstore Bar Entropy Science Café in two voices "Being born and dying among Neanderthals" hosted by Valentine Meyer & Celine Mussini Consumer For over 250 000 years, the Neanderthals (sensu lato) occupied Europe and the Middle East. Thus, several hundreds of individuals who lived between 300,000 and 30,000 years BC have been unearthed from Spain to Uzbekistan. These human remains enable us to address various aspects of this population disappeared. Of biological aspects, such as the influence of anatomy on their mode of delivery, but also behavioral, such as some of their mortuary practices. The study of mechanical treatment of obstetric and body is just one of many ways to approach this fascinating and mysterious aspect of human evolution.
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